Rehearsal Venue
Merredin regional Library
A Choired Taste is a professionally directed community choir. Our members have a wide range of skills and abilities. We are a non-auditioning choir. High School age and upwards, 18 and under are free.
Membership is $25 a quarter. We welcome and encourage all newcomers who would like to join us for the enjoyment of singing and making music with a positive group of people.
We rehearse fortnightly on Monday evenings at 7 o’clock at 22 Coronation Street, Merredin.
Workshops on alternate fortnights Sunday 1 pm – 3 pm at 22 Coronation Street, Merredin.
Also, come and see our new website:
A Choired Taste – Merredin (
Merredin regional Library
22 Coronation St, Merredin WA 6415, Australia
Lynne Herbert
Hannah Smoker