Rehearsal Venue
Harold Hawthorn Community Centre,
Welcome to Tuxedo Junction's website. We're delighted you want to find out more about our group. (This will take only a moment or two of your time.) Our musical director is the eminently accomplished and talented Simone Bishop, a graduate of WAAPA<. Without a doubt our high standard of performances are the result of Simone's unwavering dedication and commitment to Tuxedo Junction over the past decade and more. Yes, we are an auditioned SATB choir. If you're already panicking or feeling discouraged at the mere thought, please don't despair. Hopefully the
following details will put your mind at rest. During the four week trial period you'll sing in your preferred section/vocal range with a view to selecting a song from the repertoire for your audition. So far, so good?
Once you've decided on a particular song rehearsal tracks will help cement your practice at home, or wherever. It's not unusual for both newcomers and seasoned singers to listen to/sing along with recordings while driving (although if you're stuck in traffic while singing at the top of your voice, you might get some strange looks...ignore them,
unless of course it's a cop on a motorbike, in which case smile sweetly.) The audition takes place immediately after rehearsal. You'll sing your part along with the three other vocalists, accompanied by Simone on keyboard. No solo, no a cappella, no audience. It's over in the blink of an eye.
We rehearse on Thursday evenings in Carlisle, and the night-owls stay up for a cuppa afterwards.
Lots more information about Tuxedo Junction on our website (, about joining us to sing, or hiring us for a performance.
For anything else, please email our President Graham at, or text/call 0411 185 361.
Harold Hawthorn Community Centre,
2 Memorial Avenue, Carlisle WA 6101, Australia
Graham Jamison
Simone Bishop
0411 185 361